So it’s the last day of Easter break and I’m sitting in my room trying to not think about how tired I’m going to be when I go back. I could have easily done another week of just not doing anything while lying to myself that I’ve actually been doing copious amounts of homework. I watched a few documentaries and drew a few pictures. No reason to be proud of myself. Fuck it, I’m allowed to have had the time actually off I think. It’s nice to have time off; it’s not like I had time off before the ‘holiday’ anyway, I had a job on the weekends and while everyone went out partying to get a hangover in the morning I went out to work to get another dose of work in the morning. I needed my beauty sleep ladies and gentlemen! We all do. Ok to be fair, my form of ‘beauty sleep’ is going to bed at 4am to wake up at 3pm… Not a selection of particuarly wise decisions but it had to be done. We’re all allowed to be lazy and if there was any time to do it it was during my time off school so screw you voice inside my head saying ‘you should really be doing…’, I tell you what I should really be doing… Lying on a beach in LA sipping pina coladas, but oh tragedy, I can’t, so I’ll go with the next best thing on my ‘holiday’: me sitting in bed illegally watching films I missed that I needed desperately to catch up on seeing.  Hey, it’s an important life process. We’re all fuck ups. It’s just appreciating when to be and when not to be.

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