
Let’s keep things simple. My name is Elliot, I’m a BA Acting student at East 15 Acting School; ‘a leading British Drama School’, or so it says on their Instagram page. I’m currently 21 years old and worked for around 5 years to get onto the corse I am now on. I guess you could say I’m lucky because I’m from the town the school is in, though I moved out at the beginning of my three years into student housing (not accommodation. That sort of thing doesn’t exist in the land I’m writing about)… Student life and all that.
My hours are 9-6:10 pretty much every day and the course is pretty much 99.9% physical. Just gonna leave that there for you uni students with your two hours a week of lectures that you don’t even have to go to. Yeah I’m looking at you sis. Speaking of, in my family I have my two sisters and my Dad, perhaps I’ll write more about that in time to come but for now, welcome to me, and hopefully you might be able to start getting a taste of what life is like for me and possibly even other drama students.